Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Day 3 - Fasting Focus

Here we are at day three in our 21 Day Corporate Fast at Bridges of Hope Fellowship. With each new day of the fast, I am more and more amazed at the grace, love, and goodness of God towards His children. God is more than words can even begin to describe.

By the time, you are probably really starting to feel weak in body. However, this can be a really good thing. It causes us to HAVE to slow down and spend more time with the Father, our Creator, God. You are probably even beginning to question if you can make it for the remainder of this fast. You might even be thinking of jumping ship today. If so, you are not alone. Trust me on this one. LOL!

However, the key to our staying the course is to put to death the flesh man and awaken ourselves to the things of the spirit. We do this by spending lots of extra time in the Word and in prayer with God. As we do, God opens up our spiritual eyes to see things more clearly the way He intends for them to be seen.


"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:23

Prayer for the Day: Lord, I'm Yours. Oh, I need Thee every hour. I really need Thee. I offer You my weakness "for Your strength is made perfect in my weakness..." (2 Corinthians 12:9). Empower me to stay strong through the physical challenge of the fast and to grow stronger in my faith. All I need is You. You alone are my Strength, O God. Thank You, Lord Jesus that You see the struggles in my life, and You know how they have shaken me. They've not shaken You, Lord. Free me from every fear, every limitation, from drawing back, from intimidation. You are my Peace, my Strength.


My pray for you is to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. May you trust in Him and lean NOT unto your own understanding. He will see you through this time as you walk with Him in total obedience and practice the spiritual disciplines of giving, praying, and fasting from Matthew 6. He will reward you openly.

For me, I have been weak physically, but my spirit has been strengthened. I see the goodness of the Lord all around me. I give Him praise for encouraging me with the truth of His Word and in His speaking during the quiet times. Praise the name of Jesus!

Remember that tomorrow, we will be transitioning to the Daniel fast for the remaining 18 days. This means that you can begin eating fruits and vegetables. However, PLEASE abstain from ALL breads, meats, and sweets of any kind. Sweets would also include any substitute sweeteners (splenda, nutri-sweet, sweet and low, etc.). I will try to post a list of foods for tomorrow that can help with your buying and choosing of foods over the next 18 days.

Don't forget to spend extra time in the Word and in prayer with God. If not, you are just going on a harsh diet.

Pastor DeWayne

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