Sunday, March 28, 2010

Day 15 - Fasting Focus

You know, the past can be a frightening thing for some people, either because of what they've done or what's been done to them. Sometimes, we are held in bondage to sins of the past and can't seem to break free, things like alcohol, drugs, sexual immorality, pornography, lust, lying, conspiring, etc. If the truth were to be told, we are really tired of being held prisoner to these things.

I am believing that today is the day of release, restoration, and reward in your life. But, first, we must give in to the Lord.


"Turn ye even to me with all your heart...with fasting and with weeping...I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpillar, and the shall praise the name of the LORD your God...and my people shall never be ashamed." Joel 2:12, 25-26

Prayer for the Day: Father, in Jesus' Name I humble myself before You in fasting. Thank You for releasing me from my past and forgiving all my sins. Thank You for restoring my life and giving me the reward of eternal life. I give You praise and glory and honor. Bless Your people as we continue to fast and pray. Bring the "spirit of release" causing Your people to walk in financial freedom. "Release" our loved ones. "Release" those that are bound by fear, depression and abuse. Release those bound by nicotine, gluttony and other addictions. Release them from all bondage. Loose the bands of wickedness. Undo the heavy burdens. Let the oppressed go free. Release our families from every shame and guilt. Thank You that the wicked bands will be broken! Hallelujah! Lord, the palmerworm has attacked the roots of Christian heritage in our families. But You said, "I will RESTORE THE FAMILY TREE OF FAITH!" I give You praise. My family IS GOING TO WALK IN THE SPIRIT! Oh Hallelujah! Father, the greatest "reward" is You. Thanks for the stuff, but we're fasting for more of You. You are our Reward and our exceeding greatness. We praise You, Jesus. Glory to God!


It's time to proclaim release from the bonds of the enemy and live FREE in Christ! Let today be your day.

Pastor DeWaynw


  1. Praise God for you, Pastor. (: That prayer and word was just what I needed to hear to begin my day. (:

  2. This is a wonderful word of hope from the Lord. The past is the battlefield that satan fights us on harder than any other. We can see where we have been clearly but we can't always get the vision of what we can with God's help. Lord, help us to catch a vision of the plans you have for us!
