Tuesday, April 19, 2011

12 Ways to Make Sure Your Easter Guests Don't Come Back

12 Ways to Make Sure Your Easter Guests Don't Come Back

This Sunday is Easter and when you look around your church you’re going to get that uncomfortable feeling that comes from being around all kinds of people you haven’t seen in a while or perhaps never before. You know, the slackers who only show up at church twice a year, the backsliders who haven’t been to church in 5 years, and the heathens who wouldn’t know the Pentateuch from a pentagram.

They’re going to take your favorite pew, sit and stand at the wrong times during the service, and double your wait in the coffee line after the service. You don’t want to have to put up with those distractions and inconveniences week in and week out, so here are 12 ways to ensure those people don’t come back the week after Easter.

1. Keep to yourself. Avoid eye contact. And by all means don’t welcome anyone you don’t know.

2. Walk up to someone you haven’t seen for a while and say, “Hey, hey… Look who it is… You don’t think just showing up for Easter is going to get you out of the Big Guy’s doghouse, do you?”

3. Make sure all the greeters, ushers, singers, speakers, and everyone involved in leading the service are all of the same ethnic background so that if anyone of a different ethnicity shows up they know they are considered second-class citizens.

4. Take down all your signs so only the regulars know if a door leads to the pastor’s office, the ladies room, or a broom closet.

5. During the service have the pastor pray, “Lord, please forgive all those sinners who have failed to remember the Sabbath to keep it holy.”

6. Invite the worst singer in the choir to do a solo.

7. Find a way to tie the Easter message into a soliloquy on the Iraq War and make it clear that everyone who disagrees with the pastor’s position is on the devil’s side.

8. During the service ask all the visitors to stand and then introduce themselves to the entire congregation.

9. Announce that next week the pastor will begin a 12-week series on hell.

10. Put a sign up in the children’s ministry area that indicates you have a “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy when it comes to volunteers with criminal records.

11. Just assume that everyone understands what communion is all about. Then when people start coming forward to receive communion have the ushers quietly walk up to the “really big sinners” and ask them to return to their seats.

12. Announce that visitors must fill out a form with their contact information and should expect an elder-evangelist tag team waiting in their driveway when they get home.

Of course, if you actually care about guests and irregular church attenders because you believe they matter to God, you might consider doing just the opposite.

(Shared from a blog post from Paul Steinbrueck.)

BIG questions, REAL answers

Starts this Sunday at 8:30 & 10:30 a.m. at Bridges of Hope Fellowship!

Have you ever had questions that you wish you could ask, but were afraid to? Well, at Bridges of Hope Fellowship, our people have been submitting questions to me that they would like for to answer in a sermon on Sundays. So, I've chosen six questions out of many that have been submitted to answer in a new series, "BIG questions, REAL answers" over the next six weeks. I'll be starting this special series on EASTER Sunday (This Sunday) at Bridges of Hope.

Here's the questions we'll be answering:

April 24th - Why Would a Good God Send Anyone to Hell?

May 1st - Does God Approve of Alternative Lifestyles?

May 8th - Can I Be a Christian and Still...?

May 15th - Self Centered vs. Christ Centered? (By Elder David Cook)

May 22nd - Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?

May 29th - Why Is Jesus Christ the Only Way to God?

This is a series that you don't want to miss! So, share this blog post with your friends and invite them to hear the answers to some of the most asked questions by people today. Who knows? It just might be that God would speak to us through these times together.

Please be much in pray for us this Easter Sunday at Bridges of Hope Fellowship. We are believing God to use US to reach an attendance goal of 115 people! I have challenged each family to bring at least 1 person/family with them that doesn't goto church anywhere. What an exciting time it would be to reach our goal and see some lives changed in the process. After all, we are all about bring HOPE to the people of Warren County and around the world. Join me and let's make it happen for the glory of God! See you there!

New Service Added: 8:30 a.m. (No van service or Hope Kids during this service)