Sunday, June 28, 2009

My Weird Weekend

It has been a really weird weekend. One that I really don't care to relive.

Over the weekend, I have continued to be in constant pain. Then on Saturday, I couldn't take anymore. So, I headed to the Cookeville ER for what I hoped was going to be a time for answers and some relief. After all of the tests, ctscans, and peeing in a cup, I still know nothing more. However, they did give me a good, really good, dose of phenegrin and demerol that put my lights out and consequently eased my pain for several hours. I came home and went straight to bed and slept until 12:30 p.m. today. And I wouldn't have woken up then if it hadn't been for the pain in my lower back.

Then Natalie came home and shared with me about the days events at Bridges of Hope Fellowship. I was excited for what God had done in the hearts of the people and was continuing to do in the lives of our men.

I want to say a special thanks to my wonderful wife, Natalie, for going and providing her best musical efforts to lead the people in worship. Also, to David Clayton and David Cook for stepping up to the plate to keep the service flowing and for bringing the message of God's Word. I have had several reports of the way God's spirit moved in the service. It just goes to show that God really doesn't need me at all. What He really needs and desires is for all of His children to be open and willing at any given moment to step up and be used by Him. Thanks guys for your willingness!

As for me, I'll continue to lay around the house and see if I can get rid of this pain I'm in and spend some quality time with God and Natalie. After all, we need to read a few more chapters in the book "Sticky Church." Can't wait to see what all God wants to teach me through other people's experiences.

Thanks again for all those who have been praying for me. I know that God will answer as He sees fit.

Pastor D
Jeremiah 29:11

Friday, June 26, 2009

Facebook | Home

Facebook Home: "Pastors don't owe everyone in their church a close relationship. they owe them a close relationship with God and their family." Mark Batterson

Wow! A great statement. Its is impossible for the pastor to have a very close relationship with everyone in the church, especially as the church grows larger and larger. We can only teach them how to have a close relationship with God and their family.

However, why is it that church members think they have to have a huge chunk of their pastor's time? I think this comes out of selfishness. And selfishness creates disunity and quarrels among the body of Christ. We should avoid this type of attitude and behavior at all cost.

Be sure to join us this weekend as I'll be talking about selfishness and how it stinks in our relationships and in the church. Don't miss the awesome videos that I chosen to help us illustrate this topic. They are so funny! Hope to see you there at 11 a.m. at Bridges of Hope Fellowship.

The Pains of Life

Today has been a painful day for me in many ways. It started out when I woke up this morning in great pain. I have been hurting in my right abdomenal area and now in my lower back. What next? Physically, I think my body has just about taken all of the stress that it can take and is starting to let me know about it. So, it was a slow and difficult morning.

I've also experienced pains in our church family today that are difficult to shake in some ways. I have trouble grasping the fact that that people will come and people will go. However, it is difficult to let them go when you've been ministering to them for the past three to four years, been at the hospital with them, preached their families funerals, cried with them, and laughed with them. Not to mention the many times that you have prayed with and for them. It's just plain hard.

So, I begin to ask God why and what He wants me to learn from all of this. He simply led me to John 15:2 where Jesus talks about pruning the grapevine. The pruning includes two different types:

1. Seperation - of those who claim to be Christ followers, but whose lives have never resembled the life of Christ or they have turned their backs on Christ and have become a stumbling block to God's people or His Church. They will be cut off as dead and burnt.

2. Cutting Back - this is for those Christ followers who are producing fruit, but have stalled in their production for a while. Christ simply cuts things out of our lives so that we will produce more fruit for Him.

I remember as a child going to my grandparents' home in Athens. My mamaw Faye had a beautiful and huge rose bush beside the house. Every now and then, she would go out and prune that rose bush. When she did, I thought it looked horrible and was ready to be done away with. Then she explained that she was cutting off the dead stems so that the bush could begin to flourish again. Shortly thereafter, the rose bush was more beautiful than I had ever seen it before.

God does this same process in the lives of believers who are truly His. It's a painful process at the time, but allows us to flourish for Him in time. The same is true for the church.

I now believe that this is exactly what is happening in our church. He is removing those who have stopped producing fruit in order for the church to flourish again for His glory. We just have to be patient while He does the pruning in our lives and church. Beautiful days are ahead!

On a praise note:
Natalie and I visited with Ms. Wilma Blair tonight at Stones River Hospital in Woodbury. She is doing well after the surgery, just a little groggy. Okay, alot groggy! LOL! And we spoke with Mrs. Joann Turner and Aubrey is doing well. He has been talking, sitting on the side of the bed, and begging for something to eat. That's all in response to God's people praying. Keep it up! It's working.

To close the night out, Natalie and I are reading "Sticky Church" by Larry Osborne. WOW! What a great and challenging read! I love reading books that challenge my thinking and strategy of fulfilling our mission.

That's it for tonight. Tomorrow is another day.

P.S. - Don't forget about the Trash to Treasure Yard Sale for Missions at Bridges of Hope Fellowship this Friday and Saturday. It is from 6 a.m. to 3 p.m. both days. The church is located at 220 Snow Hollow Lane in McMinnville. All funds raised will go to support our Appalachian Mission trip in July. Also, if you have anything you'd like to donate to the sale, call the church office at 931-815-8870 or Jennifer Cook at 931-934-3663.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Welcome to my world!

Thanks for taking the time out of your busy schedule to find out the scoop or be nosey, whichever the case may be. Regardless, I'm glad you're here!

For several weeks, I've been contemplating on starting a blog and trying to figure out which blog site to go with. After taking the advice of some Facebook friends, here I am.

The purpose of this blog is to help YOU get to know ME. In short, I want to present who I really am, REAL. I'll be sharing different things about my day, devotional and inspirational thoughts, leadership principles, church growth principles, church planting stuff, and casting vision for the future. And, of course, there will probably be a few simple and meager ramblings about whatever is on my mind at the time.

I have never tried to fit into anyone's mold. I am just simply me. It's been said that you either love me or you love to hate me. You will choose your view. I hope you'll love me, but, that's still yet to be decided. LOL!

Regardless, my heart is to love others the way that Christ Jesus has loved me and given Himself for me. Therefore, my one and only goal is to die and go to heaven, and take as many people with me as I possibly can. I believe that is the only thing in life worth striving for.

I do hope that you will follow me and subscribe to receive my regular posts and updates.

Thanks again for stopping by!

Pastor D
Jeremiah 29:11