Monday, July 2, 2012

Africa Bound!

I am excited to share with you about an upcoming trip I'll be taking to Abidjan, West Africa during October 22nd-30th of this year.  I am leading a team of 4 from Bridges of Hope Fellowship on a vision trip to begin the journey of planting churches in this city of 6 million people.  We are thrilled about the opportunity to make such a great impact with the Gospel of Jesus Christ in an area where Christianity is a minority.  This is my first mission trip out of the United States.  I can't wait to go serve and believe God to change my heart and life for the world.

During our time in Africa, we'll be working with Missionaries Mike & Heather McAfee.  They have been helping us in our planning efforts and assisting us all along the way to ensure that we have a productive and fruitful experience.  They are from Baxter, Tennessee, which is very close to McMinnville and Cookeville.

This trip will consist of prayerwalking, vision tours, meeting and visiting with natives, church visits, observation of missionary story telling, and more.  The goal is to discover God's heart for the people He is calling us to reach by planting churches among them.  Our goal is then to return twice a year to assist and build up the church planting efforts that we start this fall.

The trip cost is approximately $3,500 per person and includes airfare, transportation, meals, lodging, shots, etc.  I am prayerfully seeking to raise this money by August 1st, 2012.  

I would ask that you please pray about partnering with me to change and impact lives in Africa with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Any amount that you could give towards the total would be greatly appreciated.  You may give it directly through Bridges of Hope Fellowship ( so that your gifts will be 100% tax deductible.  There are several ways that you can give to help me get to Africa:

1. Send a check or money order made payable to BRIDGES OF HOPE FELLOWSHIP to:
Bridges of Hope Fellowship
4023 Smithville Hwy.
McMinnville, TN 37110

(Please mark "Africa" in the memo line.)

2.  Give online at by visiting the website and clicking on "GIVE NOW."  Please select the "Designated: Missions Fund."  Or visit 

3.  You can download and use our smartphone/iphone giving app by visiting the app store and search for "SecureGive."  It is a FREE app!  Select '37110' as the zip code and click on "Bridges of Hope Fellowship."  You will then be able to register your account and start giving via your mobile device.

In advance, I'd like to thank you for your prayers and financial support of my ministry and this trip.  Your support means so much to me and serves as a great encouragement.  I look forward to hearing from you soon!

Be sure to check my blog often for updates and details concerning this trip and other happenings to change the world for the cause of Christ.  

Passionately Serving,

DeWayne Howard, Pastor
Bridges of Hope Fellowship