Monday, January 16, 2012

Fasting Day 9

Today is day 9 of the 21 Day Fast.  It's awesome to be able to give the first part of our year in prayer, fasting, and giving with my family and church family.  There's something about giving the first and best to God.  It makes the rest of the year blessed and sets the pace for everything we do.

Fasting Devotional Day 9


Read 1 Samuel 15


After being instructed by God to destroy the
Amalekite nation completely, Saul decides his
own way is better. He ends up sparing the life
of the Amalekite king and keeping the livestock
that appealed to him. His disobedience
caused God great sorrow.


Putting God first is really all about having the
highest value for Him and what He says. Too
often, we make our own adjustments to what
God has said, thinking that we know best.
Valuing God’s Word and trusting His ways
means that when He speaks,we obey completely.
Ask God to empower you follow His
truth, make the decision that His way is your
way, and then just do it.

“Father, open my eyes to see that Your ways
lead only to life. I will trust You with all of my
heart. Thank You that Your grace empowers
me to walk in Your ways. Thank You that I
have not been left to my own ability, but am
empowered to live in a way I could never live

on my own. Amen.”

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