Thursday, January 12, 2012

Fasting Day 5

Today is day 5 of our 21 Day Fast at Bridges of Hope Fellowship.  I was back on the Daniel Fast today and it's been awesome! 

This morning, Natalie and I had the joy of meeting with Pastor Tim at Teen Challenge of the Upper Cumberland in Gainsboro, Tennessee.  We were able to deliver lots of toilet paper that was collected by the members at Bridges of Hope Fellowship at Christmas.  It was great!  Pastor Tim gave us a tour of the facility and we went away blessed at what God is doing.  They serve as a Crisis Center for Teen Challenge.  Their facility is able to house 8 women until they get them into a long term program location.  Praise God!

Then, Natalie and I made some stops and talked a lot about Jesus on the way home.  I love spending time with my wife!  She is an awesome women of God.

Tonight, we're watching the #codeorangerevival at the We're excited as Pastor Jentezen Franklin is preaching on God's faithfulness.  God has been so faithful to my family and Bridges of Hope Fellowship!  I am so blessed and highly favored by the Lord.  God is good!  You can log on anytime day or night and listen to really good messages and music.  Check it out too!

Here's today's fasting devotional that can help and assist you with your quiet time with the Father this evening.

Fasting Devotional Day 5


Read Mark 5


The demon-possessed man was struggling
with something that not only kept him up all
night, but it was also something he had dealt
with for a very long time. He was in constant
agony and wanted relief so badly. He would
cut himself out of frustration, irritation and
desperation, wondering why he was dealing
with this issue.

Do you eve find yourself so frustrated that
you hurt not only yourself but others? Ever
struggle about why you’re in a particular situation?
Notice that in this passage, the man
saw Jesus, ran to Him, laid it down at His feet
and was changed forever. After his encounter
with the Messiah, he was purposely sent
back to his home town so people could see
the change that Jesus made in him.


“Heavenly Father, I pray that today I would
have the kind of resolve it takes to lay my burdens
at Your feet. I am faced with so much
and I know that You care about every last detail
of my life. Create a testimony through my
experiences that will reach others some day
and bring You the glory You deserve. Amen."

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