Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Fasting Day 16

Fasting Devotional Day 16


Read 1 Samuel 20


How fortunate David was to have a friend
like Jonathan, someone who stuck by him
through thick and thin. Jonathan was a friend
that would even feel a righteous anger because
of the shameful treatment that David received.


What kind of friends do you have? We must
strive to have friends in our life like Jonathan
– the ones who will encourage and support
us, no matter what. In addition, we must always
strive to be a “Jonathan” kind of friends
to others.


“God, please help me to surround myself
with people that will always point me towards
Your best. Today as I fast and seek You, I ask
you to reveal to me the people that You have
placed in my life that will help me become the

person You are calling me to be. Amen.”

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