Friday, January 27, 2012

Fasting Day 20

Today has been a great day as it was my day off.  I enjoyed spending time with my beautiful wife, Natalie.  It's been nice spending extra time in the Word and prayer.  I know that the devil is getting mad.  I had a dream last night that was more of a sign from God or maybe a warning of the attacks of the enemy to come.

This evening has been spent with my family.  We had a game night/movie night.  We played aggravation.  Natalie won three games and Dwight won one.  Me...I didn't win any.  lol  It's okay though.  I really enjoy spending time with my family.

Fasting Devotional Day 20


Read Mark 9


The disciples found themselves unprepared
to deal with this particular situation. Because
Jesus led a lifestyle of prayer and fasting, He
was prepared to deal with the issue when the
time came. He didn’t wait until the problem
arose to prepare – a lifestyle of prayer and
fasting had prepared Him for it.


Prayer and fasting prepares us for what lies
ahead. We don’t have to wait for an emergency
to arise before we prepare. Let us prepare
ahead of time so that when confronted with
adversity or challenges, we can face them
head on.


“Dear God, as I set time aside today to pray,
fast and seek You, I ask that you strengthen
me, prepare me, and fill me with Your Word.
God, You see everything and hold all my days
in Your hands. You know exactly what I have
need of before I even ask for it. Thank You for
Your grace that enables me to face whatever
lies ahead. In Jesus name, Amen.”

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