Saturday, January 21, 2012

Fasting Day 14

Today is day 14 of the 21 day fast at Bridges of Hope Fellowship.  For me, it's been a good day of rest, relaxation, and study of God's Word.

I hope you are taking time each day to slow down and fellowship with the Lord.  He has so much He wants to say to us, if we will just sit quietly before Him and listen.

Also, if you're not reading the Bible through this year, you can still participate at and click on plans.  Pick "The One Year Bible" and you're off to a great start.  In less than 15 minutes a day, you can read the whole Bible in a year.  Awesome!  I am on day 21 now.  Join me!

Fasting Devotional Day 14


Read Mark 7


The Pharisees and teachers of the law had
been given the commands, statutes and
teachings of God, but seemed to miss the
whole point. Their adaptation of the law had
become empty, hollow and heartless.


We are given a solemn warning that if we are
not careful, we can fall into this same trap. It
is easy to settle into a routine and focus on
schedules and to-do-lists. Although we don’t
mean for it to happen, the voice of God can
get drowned out by these distractions. Let
this time of prayer and fasting disrupt the
regular patterns of life. Make time to meditate
on God’s Word and listen to His Voice. You
will experience clarity where there was confusion,
and peace during the trial.


“Father, I choose to disconnect from all the
distractions to draw closer to You. Let my
eyes be steady on what You have set before
me and help me never lose focus on the
things of substance that produce life. Amen.”

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