Sunday, January 22, 2012

Fasting Day 15

Today marks the beginning of the last week of our 21 Day Fast at Bridges of Hope Fellowship.  It has been a great day!  We had awesome services today and the Lord was good to us all.  We welcomed to our fellowship, Charlotte Vien.  I believe there will be many others to join our fellowship in the days, weeks, and months to come.  God is pouring out His favor upon His people!

Fasting Devotional Day 15


Read 1 Samuel 19


The Israelites were under attack. Jonathan,
an intercessor for David, saw the hand of
God upon David’s life and knew that he stood
blameless before God.


Our victories may cause jealousy to surface
in others and may result in us being undeservingly
persecuted. However, we can take
comfort in knowing that Christ intercedes for
us and gives us favor. He also surrounds us
with people who will support and encourage
us. We can’t always control how people treat
us, but we can control how we honor God.


“Lord, help me to honor You as I seek to draw
closer to You during this season of prayer and
fasting. Even through persecution, allow my

conduct to glorify You. In the name of Jesus,
help me to intercede on behalf of others who
may be dealing with judgment, jealousy, and
unwarranted attacks. Amen.”

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