Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Fasting Day 18

Today has been a great day of spending time with the Lord.  I am amazed at out deep the Father's love is for His children.  It's just awesome to think that we can't even run so far as to escape it.  And when we do wrong, God is still there in His love and tenderness, waiting to show us His grace and forgive our sins.  That's just awesome!

Fasting Devotional Day 18


Read 1 Samuel 21


David is running from Saul and for a moment,
is overcome by fear. At this low point in his
life, he acts like a crazy man before the king
of Gath. David was beyond the point of simply
experiencing fear. He let fear control him.


Any one of us can be subject to fear when
we are tired, hurt, or emotionally low. In order
to ensure we don’t start doing wrong things
and going places we should avoid, we must
remain deeply connected to God. His love will
cast out any fear, no matter how great.


“Father, help us manage our lives to stay
healthy - in body, soul, and spirit. Please fill us with
Your spirit and give us boldness of

faith in place of fear. In Jesus name, Amen.”

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