It's been a good day with some sweet time alone with the Father in His Word, prayer, and reflection. I love having this time to listen and hear from God.
Fasting Devotional Day 4
Read 1 Samuel 12
The prophet Samuel gives his farewell
address after anointing Israel’s first king,
Saul. God graciously permitted His people toaddress after anointing Israel’s first king,
have an earthly king and promised to bless
them as long as they and their king remained
obedient to Him first. However, the Israelites’
failure to comply with God’s standards resulted
in them missing out on the promises that
their ancestors received.
God wants to rule and reign in our hearts. We
often struggle with walking by faith and not bysight, so we seek something tangible. God,
in His perfect permissive will and grace, will
grant our requests under a stipulation - that
we are completely obedient to His Word. The
promises of God always carry the asterisk of
“Heavenly Father, I pray that You give me the
strength to be obedient to Your Word. Duringthis season of fasting and prayer, help me to
hear Your voice more clearly so that I can operate
within Your will. Amen.”
today has been difficult for me but thankfully i was able to speak with you and things started looking better just got through with day 12 in youvings and things are even better