Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Fasting Day 10

Fasting Devotional Day 10


Read 1 Samuel 16


It’s time for a new king, Saul is out of control.
The Lord sends Samuel to Bethlehem to find
and annoint the next king. The shepherd
boy who God has chosen is quite a suprise
not only to his family but to the experienced
prophet as well!


God has given us gifts and talents that He’ll
use for Kingdom purposes. We must not let
our short comings determine if we are ready
or not. Let us only ensure our heart is fully
committed to saying “yes” to God. We must
be careful to not judge anyone based solely
on outer appearances.


“Heavenly Father, I pray that today You will
use me to speak encouragement to others
and work to uplift someone. Please show me
someone with the heart to do what You have
called them to do and give me the courage
to come alongside them. Strengthen me with
boldness to pray with them in spite of where

they are in their life. Amen.”

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