Friday, January 20, 2012

Fasting Day 13

Today has been a good day.  It was my day off!  That always means extra rest and time with God.  It's day 13 of the 21 day fast and we're headed towards the homeward stretch.

Be sure to keep your focus on the Lord during this time.  If you're experiencing hunger pains and temptation, make the effort to spend some extra time in the Word and Prayer.  The enemy wants to distract you from what God has called us to.  Hang in there!  God will give you the strength to stay faithful, if you'll ask Him.

Fasting Devotional Day 13


Read 1 Samuel 18


Even Saul, who tried to kill David, recognized
the hand of God on his life. David’s success
and favor was two-fold. First, David understood
from his past experiences that his success
was a result of the Lord being with him.
Second, David was given the responsibility of
leading the king’s men into battle against the
enemies of Israel. David had determined in
his heart to advance the kingdom of his king.


As you fast today, reflect on the victories that
God has given you in your life and consider them as preparation and confirmation of the victories to come. Praise God for where He
has positioned you in your life and commit to
advancing the Kingdom of your King, Jesus.

“Dear Jesus, thank You for all that You have
done and are going to do in my life. Help me to acknowledge You and receive Your grace in everything that I do. Allow my life to bring glory to Your name as You empower me to
advance Your Kingdom in my world. Amen.”

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