Saturday, October 27, 2012

The Holiday Silence

Yesterday, Friday, was a Muslim holiday in Abidjan.  As we woke up, we did so to silence in the streets, where normally it would be filled with talking, yelling, car noises, among other sounds.  It was a different kind of day.  It was the day that Muslims sacrifice an animal for the forgiveness of their sins.  Blood ran freely in many streets around Abidjan.  Muslim families got together to slaughter (sacrifice) and eat their animals, then to spend time in holy prayer with Allah (their god.)

It is so sad that the enemy has so many people blinded to think that they can do certain acts or rituals to get rid of their sins, which only leave them empty and full of guilt and shame.  I am so thankful that Jesus Christ, who was and is the Son of God, was sent to earth as the FINAL, LAST, and PERFECT sacrifice for the sins of man.  Because of God's great love and the sacrifice of the perfect spotless lamb, Jesus, our sins can be forgiven and remembered no more.  However, we must accept God's sacrifice on our behalf, to not would be as if to toss away a gift that has already been purchased to given to you.  What a waste!

As for us, we got up as usual and went to have breakfast with the McAfees.  We had African pancakes...only because they were made in Africa.  LOL  We enjoyed lots of fellowship around the table and then went out to explore some shops with Mike.  Many of the shops were closed due to the Muslim holiday.  However, some were open and ready for business as usual.  We then made our way back to the mission house to have lunch and meet up with Heather for her to walk with us to the other marketplace.  It was like a really run down and shabby Wal-Mart being crammed into a shoe box   Really!  It reeked with the smells of dead fish, rat, turtles, crabs, and whatever else they could find to sell.  However, what we were looking for was not open.  We walked over a mile there and mile back to get to this market and it seemed to be the hottest part of the day.  I felt like I'd had 2 baths!  That Heather is a slave driver, let me tell you.  LOL  She could have at least called us a taxi!  I'm just kidding.  It was great to see how their lives are lived out here in Abidjan, day after day.  I am just way too spoiled.  I admit it!

In the afternoon, we took out across the city to see different parts of Abidjan.  The big city is made up of lots of small cities, some lower class and some upper class, but rarely anyone in between.  The lower class live in wooden sheds or block huts while the upper class live in gated communities away from the reality around them.  We got to see some really cool landmarks and the U.S. Embassy.  We had our interpreter along for the ride with us.

In the evening, our team spent a little time resting and getting ready for dinner with the McAfees and the other missionaries in Abidjan.  It was their "chicken & fries" night!  American food at it's finest!  LOL  Then, there was apple and chocolate pies to top it off.  Of course, I restrained myself from having any...NOT!  There was lots of good stories, laughter, and great fellowship.

The evening ended with us coming back to the mission house to begin washing clothes and my all night battle with the ALLERGIES.  I barely slept at all last night, due to not being able to breath and my nose running all night, not to mention the sneezes!

And there you have it...another day in Abidjan!

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