Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Safe Arrival

Hey Guys!  We made it safely to Abidjan, Africa.  We did encounter one obstacle in the beginning, though.  Natalie dropped us off at the Nashville airport and left.  Shortly thereafter, we found out that we had to show the card that was used to purchase our tickets with.  So, thank God, Cathy Clayton was able to goto my house, get the card, have a copy made, and fax it to us.  Praise the Lord!

We had great flights to New York, then to Paris, and on to Abidjan.  It is amazing how much of the nations you can interact with when you are traveling internationally.

Tonight, we exited the Abidjan airport where our missionary, Mike McAfee, was there to greet us.  We drove to the mission house, got settled in, and ate dinner with Mike, Heather, and the kids.  Please pray for Ben, their 3 year old.  Heather thinks he might have malaria.  Lift him up to the Lord, prayer warriors!  We had taco salads, fresh pineapple, and chocolate chip cookies fresh out of the oven.  I know...there goes my low carb lifestyle.  LOL!!!

Now we are getting showers, settling down for bed and getting ready for a great first day on the field tomorrow.  We will meet up with our translator in the morning after breakfast.  Until then, please keep us in your prayers as we accomplish the will of the Father on this trip.

I'll be uploading some photos on here and Facebook tomorrow night.  Thanks for all of your prayers and support!  They are greatly needed and appreciated!



  1. We are praying for you all. The blog is great. Reagan & I are anxiously awaiting pictures. Is it possible to get Mike & Heather's address and the children's ages?

  2. This is so exciting! We are praying daily for you all and can't wait to hear more news and pictures. I can see God's hand guiding your steps. Thank you for serving the Lord!
