Thursday, October 25, 2012

God at Work in Africa!

The day began when we woke up around 7 a.m., got dressed and headed to the missionaries home for breakfast.  Afterwards, we loaded up and went to Bassam, the area that our church will be starting a church in.  In Bassam, we broke up into two teams and went to the homes of the people to share stories with them about God's love.  For several hours, my team consisting of David Clayton and Oliver, began talking and sharing with different people.  We came upon these 4 women and their children who were washing clothes outside in a tub and they welcomed us to sit and share.  By the time I finished telling the story, they were all ready to give their lives to Christ and follow Him.  Praise the Lord for 4 new sisters in Christ!  Then we ran upon a group under a tree and sat and talked with them for hours, it seemed.  There were many others that we shared with also.  What an awesome day of evangelism!

We, later, came home and ate lunch and rested.  Following was right back to the streets.  I love it!  However, this time, we did some storytelling but mainly follow-up with those that met Christ today.  Please keep them in your prayers.

This evening, we were invited to be guests in the home of Sadu, a Muslim.  They served us a meal and some wonderful hospitality.

In the photo above, Sadu is the one on the left.  His home was large for this area, but was still very small.  He struggles every day to makes end meet.  He works as a security guard.  The welcome and hospitality were great!  Keep Sadu and his LARGE family in your prayer in faith and hope that they will find Jesus.

On the way home tonight from Sadu's, the roads were crazy!  I could never drive in Abidjan. It would take some getting used to, for sure.

Now it's time to settle down and relax for a few hours before going to bed.  Gotta be up and out of the house by 8:30 a.m.

Blessings to you,

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