Monday, October 22, 2012

Africa Countdown

Well, it seems that the time has come and it's almost time to head to the airport for our mission trip to Abidjan, West Africa.

I first want to say a huge "THANK YOU" to all of you who have given to partner with me in starting new churches in Abidjan.  God has provided through YOU to make this trip a reality.  My prayer is that God will richly bless you and multiply your seed because you have honored His servant and impacted lives around the world.

I am looking forward to staying engaged with you throughout our journey in Africa through this blog.  Each evening (3-4 p.m. CST), I will be blogging about our activities and sharing photos, etc.  It is important to me that you be able to make this journey with me through this site and Facebook.

At this point, our bags are packed and we'll be heading out for the Nashville airport in just a few short hours to tackle the long flight to Abidjan.  I am thankful to be traveling with 2 other brothers from our church at Bridges of Hope Fellowship.  Together, we are an extension of both Christ and the Church.

My one request now is that you commit to pray for us each day until we return home on Oct. 30th around 6:30 p.m. (CST).  Please pray for our travel safety, favor with everyone we meet, open doors, daily provisions, strength, good health, protection from spiritual warfare, and the power of the Holy Spirit that we may boldly share and proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ through story to a people who have never heard.

Until the next opportunity to share,

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