Saturday, April 17, 2010

Bridges of Hope had 335 in Attendance Last Sunday!

That could be the headline next Sunday if we all invited 10 people to join us for worship...

According to statistics, 83% of everyone we invite to church WILL attend!

With that, I want to help equip you better to invite your friends, co-workers, family and new acquaintances to attend Bridges of Hope Fellowship this week (via Shawn Lovejoy)!

(Note: each invitation should be covered in prayer for the individual/family)

1. Send a co-worker or friend a link to our church website, with a note that says: “Just thought you might connect with what our church is going to be talking about this weekend.”

2. Send a link to one of our church’s online sermons with a note that says: “When I heard this message, I thought about what you’ve been going through…” Go to and click on “Listen to Sermons”.

3. Take the message notes guide in to work with the message title on it and say: “When I heard this message title, I thought of you.”

4. Have a BBQ and invite some co-workers or friends over to eat. Here’s the only criteria for the INVITATION list: They can’t go to church anywhere.

5. Invite someone to lunch on Sunday and then say: “Hey, would you guys be interested at all in meeting us at our church beforehand, and THEN going to eat?

6. Think of someone who’s had a tough year, drop them an email or a phone call and simply say: “when I was listening to my pastor’s message this past week, I thought about you and prayed for you” (IF you actually prayed for them).”

7. Invite a family friend’s child over to spend the night with your children on Saturday Night and then ask the family’s permission to take their child on to church with you and drop them off afterward. If our Children’s Ministry rocks, this child will be one of Jesus’ biggest advertisers afterward!

8. Just say: “Hey, man, what would I have to do to talk you into giving God and the church one more shot this week?”

9. Just say: “Hey, are you going to church anywhere right now? Why don’t you come hang out with me this weekend at our church? It’s SO AWESOME!”

10. Say: “You would not believe what my church is going to be doing this next weekend…”

Ten ways to invite Ten people! If each one of us who were at church this past week invited 10 people to come this week (that weren’t there), and 83% responded yes, we would have 335 people at church this Sunday! Now that is a God sized vision that statistics tell us already work. Be a part of the vision and invite your 10 this week!
Pastor DeWayne

(Special Thanks to Bryan McKnight from The Summitt, Knoxville for the info!)

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