Monday, May 24, 2010

The Battle Continues...

Here I am, sitting in my recliner on a Monday night thinking about the huge spiritual battle that the enemy wages against God's children. Sometimes, it's all just a little overwhelming.

Today began like most days, time with God, getting ready and heading off the church to begin my regular ministry duties and responsibilities that come along with pastoring a church. Things were moving at a very fast pace. There were phone calls, emails, visitors, checks to be signed, errands to be ran, etc. My day is always full, no matter how you look at it.

Then, my mentor, Fred Davis, and his wife, Ann, arrived to meet with Natalie and I. We were talking all things 'Church Planting.' We even talked about a special new opportunity that God has brought our way, healthy chocolate. I'll tell you more about that later. By the way, I began eating it today. We went to lunch together and then drove out to the building site. WOW! It's so exciting to see the dream unfolding before your eyes. (By the way, Fred will be preaching at BOHF on Sunday, June 6th for me.) Don't miss this special time with him.

After we returned to the church, Natalie and I had lots to finish up on for the day. But, around 5 p.m., Natalie was sitting at the desk when it seemed as if somone or something came up behind her and started beating her with a baseball bat. She has been in great pain every since. She says it hurts to breath and the pain cuts like a knife. She's experienced nausea and a headache with it.

After I left the office, I went to the land to walk and pray. Me and God had ourselves a time. There's nothing like praying and walking. Several people stopped by, Diane Dishmon and Ken Stewart, at two seperate times. It was about that time that I received the phone call from Natalie saying that she needed to goto the ER. She was in great pain.

When I arrived at home, she decided not to go. However, I knew what the real answer was. The truth is, we are in very deep spiritual warfare and the enemy is mad that Bridges of Hope Fellowship is on the move and serious about reaching people for Jesus and seeing lives transformed the power of God. So, we recognized this as an attack from the enemy. We (Dwight and I) immediately began to anoint Natalie's head with oil and pray for her healing. The battle of the forces had already begun. Dwight started and I closed us out. Together, we prayed and read lots of Scripture. We put her to bed and hopefully, she will feel like a new lady in the morning. Please keep her in your prayers for health and healing. "By His stripes, we ARE healed."

I told you all of that to say this, you and I have a very real enemy called, Satan. He is out seeking to destroy you, your family, your church, and your testimony. But, we know what the Word says, "No weapon formed against me shall prosper." I claim it in Jesus' name.

Now, with the building project just beginning, the battle continues...

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