Dear Friend,
I am asking you to join me in a 21-day fast to seek and honor God in 2011. "I beseech you therefore; brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service" (Romans 12:1). By participating in a corporate fast, we have found that God meets with us in very unique and special ways. His presence grows greater and greater with each day of the fast. Without fail, He always shows up!
Fasting is a principle that God intended for everyone to be able to enjoy. It's not a punishment; it's a privilege! By making fasting a way of life, you can get closer to God and grow in your spiritual walk like never before. Fasting is one of the most powerful weapons God has given us for our daily lives. Through fasting, you can experience a release from the bondage of sin ... restoration in your relationships ... financial blessings ... spiritual renewal ... supernatural healing and so much more!
Another reward of fasting has to do with your future. God has given you a vision, a divine dream for your life. When you fast, you open up the blessings and opportunities He has provided for you to pursue that dream. As you fast, pray for God's direction and guidance. Focus your faith on your dream and God will show you how you can turn your vision into a reality. Begin pursuing your divine dream today and make the rewards of fasting part of your lifestyle.
I want to encourage you to target your prayers during the fast. Two specific areas we will be focusing on together are increase, both physical and spiritual. When praying for increase, we are believing God for increase in spiritual maturity for our members, salvation for the lost, new families, increase in finances, wisdom, influence, and resources. Also, we ask that each individual seek God in prayer about one thing in your personal life to believe God for.
A great promise, from the book of Isaiah, proclaims that the chosen fast will "undo the heavy burdens and let the oppressed go free." We are living in tough economic times and I know that so many people are under a financial burden. As we come together to fast and pray, I am believing that your burdens will be lifted and that financial blessings will be released into your life!
I'm so excited that you have decided to take the next step in your spiritual walk through the life-changing principal of fasting. Seek the Lord in prayer and let your decisions about your fast come from Him. Ask the Lord to show you areas to target during your time of fasting and prayer. Start with a clear goal and make a commitment to stick to your fast. Be ready to grow in your walk like never before as you seek the Lord through the Biblical principles of prayer and fasting. Remember, "He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him!" (Hebrews 11:6)
Building bridges of HOPE,
Pastor D
Special Note:
I recommend that you always consult your physician prior to beginning any type of fast. If you are poor in health or have concerns about your physical ability to fast, we especially urge you to consult a physician before beginning your fast. There are different types of fasts recommended at Your doctor can provide advice on how you can participate on this First Fruits Fast in a way that is healthy for you.
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