Saturday, December 24, 2011

What We Tell Our Kids about Santa

At Christmas, it's always hard for Christian parents to decide how they will handle the "Santa Claus" story and still honor Christ.  After reading this article by Pastor Mark Driscoll, I thought I would share it because it's exactly how Natalie and I have handled it in our home with Dwight.  I hope you will decide, as a parent, to redeem Santa this year too!

What We Tell Our Kids about Santa

by: Pastor Mark Driscoll on Dec 22, 2011 in Current Events, Parenting
'Tis the season … for parents to decide if they will tell their kids the truth about Santa Claus.
When it comes to cultural issues like Santa, Christians have three options: 1) we can reject it, 2) we can receive it, or 3) we can redeem it.
Since Santa is so pervasive in our culture, it is nearly impossible to simply reject Santa as part of our annual cultural landscape. Still, as parents we don't feel we can simply receive the entire story of Santa because there is a lot of myth built on top of a true story.

Redeeming Santa

So, as the parents of five children, Grace and I have taken the third position to redeem Santa. We tell our kids that he was a real person who did live a long time ago. We also explain how people dress up as Santa and pretend to be him for fun, kind of like how young children like to dress up as pirates, princesses, superheroes, and a host of other people, real and imaginary. We explain how, in addition to the actual story of Santa, a lot of other stories have been added (e.g., flying reindeer, living in the North Pole, delivering presents to every child in one night) so that Santa is a combination of true and make-believe stories.
We do not, however, demonize Santa. Dressing up, having fun, and using the imagination God gave us can be an act of holy worship and is something that, frankly, a lot of adults need to learn from children.

While Being Truthful

What we are concerned about, though, is lying to our children. We teach them that they can always trust us because we will tell them the truth and not lie to them. Conversely, we ask that they be honest with us and never lie. Since we also teach our children that Jesus is a real person who did perform real miracles, our fear is that if we teach them fanciful, make-believe stories as truth, it could erode confidence in our truthfulness where it really matters.
So, we distinguish between lies, secrets, surprises, and pretend for our kids. We ask them not to tell lies or keep secrets, but do teach them that some surprises (like gift-giving) and pretending (like dressing up) can be fun and should be encouraged. We tell them the truth and encourage them to have fun watching Christmas shows on television and even sitting on Santa's lap for a holiday photo if they so desire. For parents of younger children wanting them to learn the real story of Santa Claus the Veggie Tales movie Saint Nicholas is a good choice.
This post is excerpted from an article originally published in the Washington Post’s On Faith blog.  For more on the historical Saint Nicholas, read yesterday’s post “Who Was Saint Nicholas?

Friday, December 23, 2011

Bridges of Hope Fellowship Year End Update

Dear Partners and Co-laborers in the Harvest,
This year has been exciting at Bridges of Hope Fellowship!  Not without its ups and downs, of course.  In an effort to share God’s abundant blessings, I am going to highlight the events of the year, as to save on time.

·         Over 65 professions of faith (salvations)

·         Over half of those professions being followed up with baptism

·         Revamped our Student Ministry with us averaging 23 teens every Wednesday night

·         Conducted 4 different mission trips, in state and out of state

·         Conducted lots of Servant Evangelism throughout our city

·         Partnered to help plant several new church plants this year

·         Was blessed with a new $3000 portable baptistry, trimmed in oak and stained to match our worship center furniture.

·         Was blessed with a new pulpit that was built by one of our members

·         Celebrated 5 years of ministry in October

·         Added new staff members: Rick Dixon as our Student Pastor, and Kathy Austin as our Ministry Assistant

These are just the highlights of how God has blessed us at Bridges of Hope this year.  Praise God for His bountiful blessings as we build bridges of HOPE to people and lead them to become fully devoted followers of Christ!  The neat part…God used you to help make it all possible.  Through your financial gifts, prayers, and volunteerism, many lives have been changed for the kingdom and the glory of God.  THANK YOU!

As you pray about making your year-end gifts, I would ask that you keep us in mind to continue to help us change the lives of those around the world.  You gifts of any size, make it possible for us to have the impact that we are having in Warren County, Tennessee and around the globe.  You can give your gifts online at or by mailing them to: BOHF, 4023 Smithville Hwy., McMinnville, TN, 37110.  Your prayers and gifts are greatly appreciated and needed.

We are looking forward to seeing God move in BIGGER and GREATER ways in 2012 as we prepare to take our congregation…BEYOND THE WALLS!  We are trusting God for greater influence around the world as we take the message of the gospel of Jesus Christ to the unchurched and unreached people of the world.  We need your help to accomplish this!  We are also working now on planting a new church in McMinnville in 2012: COWBOY CHURCH OF WARREN COUNTY.  All I can say is, get ready for the great things that God is about to do in and through the people at Bridges of Hope.

May you and your family be blessed during the Christmas season with the peace that only Christ brings.  May you experience the blessings of family, friends, and church family as you worship the Christ Child together.  From all of us at Bridges of Hope Fellowship…MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Passionately Serving,

Pastor DeWayne Howard
Bridges of Hope Fellowship
McMinnville, Tennessee

Friday, December 2, 2011

BIG Sunday...Again!

All of us at some point or another have had those days where we had lots of BIG things happen all at once.  It was a great feeling of encouragement and just the boost we needed to propel us forward to the future.

Every once in a while, God gives us a Sunday at Bridges of Hope Fellowship where lots of BIG things are happening in the lives of our people and the life of our church.  I am so thankful for these times that God chooses to pour out His abundant blessings on us.  Some of these BIG things are simply answers to our prayers of persistence and perseverance, while others are simply the awesome favor of our great God.

This Sunday at Bridges of Hope Fellowship is one of those BIG days.  God is answering prayers that we have prayed for some 5 years now.  You don't want to miss the awesome things that are happening this Sunday.  It's going to change the whole landscape of our church in 2012.  There will be some BIG announcements and some BIG blessings to experience.

Also, this Sunday, I'll be continuing on in our new series: "Preparing for Christmas."  Last week, we talked about - Preparing for the Miraculous.  I truly believe that God has more in store for our lives than merely living to survive and get by.  In fact, God desires that we will live in the realm of the miraculous each and every day of our lives.  If you missed it, you can watch or listen to it at

This Sunday, we'll be talking about - Preparing to Be God's Instrument.  God wants to use special instruments to accomplish the miraculous in the lives of men.  He wants to use you and me!  I am so excited as we look at the example of how God used Mary, the mother of Jesus, to be an instrument to change the world.  Hope you will join us and see how God can use YOU this Christmas!

We have two opportunities for you to worship with us this Sunday.  If you are an early bird or work 3rd shift, you'll love the 8:30 a.m. service.  If you like to sleep in a little or just need time to wake up, then check out the 10:30 a.m. service.  (Childcare and Children's Worship is ONLY available at the 10:30 a.m. service.)

I am so looking forward to BIG Sunday!  Join me and let's worship together as we prepare for Christmas.  For directions or more information, visit

Friday, November 25, 2011

Be Prepared for Christmas!

Well, Thanksgiving has come and gone and Christmas is less than a month away.  Where has the time gone?  It seems like 2011 just started a few days ago.  The problem is...we are never ready for Christmas when it gets here.

Do you want to be ready for Christmas this year? Then, don't miss our exciting new sermon series: "Preparing for Christmas" at Bridges of Hope Fellowship. It starts this Sunday at 8:30 & 10:30 a.m. (Childcare & Children's Worship available at the 10:30 service ONLY) Come and let us help you get ready for the most wonderful time of the year! For directions or other information, visit

Monday, August 8, 2011

Of Bridges, Blessings, & Blue Beetles

Say what, Holy Spirit?

Surely I could not have heard correctly.  The words resonated in my spirit, echoing deeply like a great, distant bell.  Unmistakable, but momentarily muffled in my own sense of disbelief.

“I said…Get ready.  I’m about to give you a car.”

Oh, my.  That’s what I thought you said, Holy Spirit.  My heart began to pound and I felt a wellspring of emotions rising up within me.  I nervously glanced at the crowd of faces around me, but none were paying me any mind.  They were all intently focused on the speaker, just as I had been before the words of the Spirit sliced through my heart like an electric charge.

April 14, 2011.  Hundreds of fellow pastors and lay people were sitting in the auditorium of a non-denominational church in Pigeon Forge, TN, named The Gathering, at a conference called Refuge.  God knew I needed a place of refuge in the spring of ‘11.  It had been a long, difficult five years.  I didn’t so much arrive at the conference as I limped in on a wing and a prayer.  The fact that I was even in the audience that night was a total God thing.

My name is DeWayne Howard and I am the Lead Pastor at a church which God commissioned me to plant in McMinnville, TN.  Bridges of Hope Fellowship sprang from the ground in 2006 with absolutely nothing to recommend it but faith and a vision to bring the true Good News of Jesus Christ to the unchurched of our county.  God smiled on our work.  It wasn’t easy, but many tears, jeers, and heartaches later, it was time to step out in 2010 and move forward with building the larger facility we needed to continue our growth.

That building program began with fifty-two cents in the bank and no reserve savings.  It was concluded in sixty days through the efforts of five hundred volunteers from five different states.  Those two months saw God provide over $100,000 toward the expansion.  Today, the building and its five acres appraise for over $1 million and is home to one of the most rapidly growing faith families in Middle Tennessee.  Not bad for a rural county of only 14,000 permanent residents.  God is good and He is faithful!

Such a remarkable story is not without its sacrifices, of course.  Every available resource was consumed by the construction.  By the time the Refuge conference rolled around, my wife Natalie and I had not been able to draw a paycheck in almost eighteen months.  Our vehicle was on its last legs and was sitting broken down in the driveway.  We didn’t have reliable transportation for the 3+ hour drive to Pigeon Forge, didn’t have the gas money anyway, and certainly didn’t have food and lodging expense.  I knew in my heart that God wanted us to go to Refuge, that something special was waiting there for us, but I didn’t see any way we could.

That is precisely when God started being God and I started being amazed.  A local business lady insisted that we take her personal car to Pigeon Forge and gave us $100 gas money.  The folks at The Gathering called to say that a church member had donated the use of several overnight rental cabins for those pastors who might be financially stressed by the lodging expense.  Three free nights in a cabin in the Smokies!  To top it all off, a friend called while we were driving to Pigeon Forge and asked us to swing by his place.  He provided us with meal money to tide us over for those meals not included at the conference.  By the time we hit town, our hearts were already full of joy at what God had done!

The Gathering family and staff really went out of their way to make all of us pastors and guests feel at home.  One gentleman in particular took an interest in me.  Dan Tilley was himself a pastor at one time, and was now serving as one of the volunteer leaders for the Refuge conference.  We chatted a few times over the next couple of days and I told him the remarkable story of how God had so blessed our Bridges church family and how He had provided so wonderfully to allow us to be at the conference.  I could tell that Dan was moved by our situation, particularly being without a paycheck for so long, since he had personally walked the pastor’s path.

This brings us back to the moment when I so clearly heard the Holy Spirit promise me a new ride.

The evening speaker was Bil Cornelius of Bay Area Fellowship in Corpus Christi, Texas.  Pastor Bil was teaching on the essence of “Instant Obedience” and the blessings which await those who practice it.  When God instructs, we act.  Immediately and without question or debate.  To do so allows God to act in all of His fullness, in the way which He has chosen…using people to care for and help other people, in Jesus’ name.  That’s the system.

To illustrate his point, Bil shared about a time years before when he clearly heard God instruct him to give away his car to someone in need.  Bil had never done anything so radically generous, and couldn’t believe that God would truly ask an average, everyday, not-rich guy like him to do that.  He wrestled with it, doubted it, rationalized it, and tried to debunk it.  But it was no use.  God’s instruction was clear.  Give the car.  When he did, God began to bless by opening door after door after door of opportunity and provision for Bil’s family and ministry.  Today, Bay Area Fellowship and Bil Cornelius Ministries are one of the fastest growing churches in America, at the forefront of the national scene.  He credits instant obedience and giving with their rise.

So, the Holy Spirit wanted to give me a car.  Cool.  I was up for that.  But God rarely gives something without wrapping it in expectation.  And He expected something from me.  The Spirit moved powerfully that night, dealing with the hearts of many shepherds.  I was one of them.  Before the evening was over, I would find myself completely broken before Him, surrendering everything…and I mean EVERYthing…to the cause and the mission of Jesus Christ.  All of my own dreams and vision died on April 14th, 2011, as I traded MY dreams for HIS dreams.

I knelt by my seat and fervently cried out to God for my people and my city.  I looked up at one point and saw that someone had laid $120 on the chair.  I gently tucked it into my pocket, praising God for his unswerving faithfulness.  I could stop wondering about the gas money to get home now.

During prayer time, two other men of God from two different states came up to give me a prophetic word about my ministry.  They both said, independently of one another, that Heaven was going to send a great revival to the church at Bridges of Hope Fellowship and that McMinnville was already ours in the spiritual realm, for the glory of God.  I eagerly received that Word!

I was so overwhelmed by all of the revelations God had shared with me that I almost forgot the earlier conversation about the car.  Near the end of the prayer time, my new old friend Dan Tilley approached me.  Dan is a thick-shouldered, barrel-chested bear of a guy with a broad, friendly face, the kindest of eyes and a wide, infectious smile.  It is hard not to like Dan right away, and I did.  Only I noticed that his eyes were now brimming with tears as he placed a big hand on my shoulder.

“Pastor DeWayne, God has asked me to do something tonight that is very difficult for me, but I know I would be disobedient if I didn’t do it.  Especially after what Bil Cornelius just spoke over us.”

With the other hand, he dangled a glimmering set of keys.

“If you ask anyone who knows me, they’ll tell you that my prize possession in the world is a fully-restored baby blue 1973 Volkswagen Beetle.  I love that car.  But it’s not mine anymore.  Can you drive a stick, preacher?”

He grinned as a tear trickled down one rosy cheek.  I began to weep as well, with joy and gratitude.

“Yes sir, I sure can.  THANK YOU!!  And thank YOU, Lord!”

After getting our new Beetle back home, Natalie and I began to pray daily for instructions on what to do with it.  Yes, we needed dependable, economical transportation, and the VW certainly fit that bill, but we both sensed in our spirit that it represented something bigger than that.  A deeper purpose.  However, a quick answer was not forthcoming.  We kept praying and enjoyed driving the blessing.

I walked into a local flower shop a few weeks later.  The owners are fine Christian folks, and one of them told me that day, “Pastor, God has shown me what you are to do with that car of yours.  But I’m not going to tell you until He does.  That way, we will both know it is His idea, not ours.”  Yep.  Definitely one of those things that make you go, “Hmmm.”

More and more strongly, we began to feel that God had it in mind for us to sell the car rather than just continue to drive it.  When that feeling turned into a conviction, I returned to the florist for the desired confirmation.  I found it.

“Pastor,” my friend began to share with me, “I was impressed from the get-go that the car was an investment in your ministry.  Not only do I agree with you that God wants you to sell it, but I think He wants to do MORE than you expect.  There’s more riding on the title of that car than the book value.  There’s KINGDOM value supernaturally built in there.”

I was a bit puzzled, but encouraged her to go on.

“That’s not just any car.  It’s a special car.  From what you’ve told me, it was special to the man who gave it to you.  His sacrifice is special to God.  And so are you and your church.  God wants to bless you with some much-needed revenue.  He wants to bless your church with a great testimony of His faithfulness that they can share.  And He wants to bless the Kingdom by sending ordinary folks on extraordinary missions.”

Well, I thought, that sounds great, but can one little blue Beetle produce those kinds of results?  Then I was reminded by the Holy Spirit that a single grain of wheat produces an abundant harvest, a single seed produces a sprawling apple tree, and a single kernel of corn can feed many.  HE is the God of the harvest, not us!  We don’t try to figure Him out.  We just obey.  Instantly.

That same afternoon, two other business owners echoed the confirmation of my florist friend, and I called Dan Tilley to share my thoughts with him.  Dan laughed and said he had been given the same message days before and was wondering when to expect my call.  That settled it.  God was moving and I was listening.

So, brethren o’ mine, here we be.  One faithful God.  One beautiful vintage auto.  One humble servant just following his Master’s orders as best he understands them.  We trust that the Holy Spirit has already selected someone to be a conduit of blessing.  Someone who has the resources to provide a financial gift far above and beyond anything we would dare to ask.  When that happens, no one but God can receive any of the credit.  We can’t wait to see the ending He writes on this, HIS story.  Amen!

“I will open the windows of heaven for you.  I will pour out a blessing so great you won’t have enough room to take it in!  Try it!  Put me to the test!”  (Malachi 3:10)
Me and the Beetle

The Beetle

Bridges of Hope Fellowship
Pastor DeWayne Howard
4023 Smithville Hwy.
McMinnville, TN 37110
Office:  931-815-8870

Friday, July 8, 2011

Coming Apart

This morning began a very special weekend for me.  Today, I begin my annual time of coming apart with God for a time of prayer, reading, studying, and lots of listening to the Holy Spirit speak into my life.  I retreat away to the mountain to find solitude with the Father.

I began doing this several years ago when a friend called and shared with me the quote of the great preacher, Vance Havner.  Vance said, "Those who don't come apart will eventually come apart."  Now, obviously there's a little play on words there.  However, God used this small quote to speak profound truth into my daily life, as well as my desire to get alone with Him for an extended period of time to seek His face and know His heart.

Jesus set the great example in Matthew 14:23, "And when He had sent the multitudes away, He went up on the mountain by Himself to pray.  Now when evening came, He was alone there."  Seeking solitude was an important priority for Jesus.  He made room in his busy schedule to be alone with the Father.  Spending time with God in prayer nurtures a vital relationship and equips us to meet life's challenges and struggles.

As a pastor and spiritual leader, I have found it vital to make time on a daily basis to get alone with God, but also once a year to get away from everything "normal" to seek His face over a 4-5 day period.  How can we know God's desires for us until we are willing to be still and know that He is God? 

I want to challenge you to develope the discipline of spending time alone with God. It will help you grow spiritually and become more and more like Christ.  Have you taken the time today to "come apart" with the Lord?  Why not take that time right now?  You'll be glad you did.

Monday, June 27, 2011

BIG God uses people: Church Plant Update

Dear Friends, Family, and Ministry Partners:
I am so excited to write to you and update you as to the great move of God that we are seeing take place at Bridges of Hope Fellowship!  Please allow me to bring you up to date as a church plant.

Since January 1st of this year, we have been blessed to see over 60 professions of faith for our Lord Jesus Christ.  Praise God!  We have been able to baptize just over half of those already, with more on the way.  If the weather holds out, I’ll be baptizing 10 in the creek this Wednesday night.  Since Easter, we started an 8:30 a.m. service on Sundays and it’s growing.  During this time, we’ve seen our attendance rise to just over 100, most weeks.  We are experiencing more and more people stepping up to serve in ministry roles, as well as leadership roles.  Our children’s and youth ministries are growing rapidly and reaching lots of fatherless children.  We’ve had lots of singles come into the church and find their mates, therefore, preparing us for lots of weddings this Summer and Fall. We are very engaged in missions through our Acts 1:8 Global Plan of Serving strategy that helps us to take the gospel to the ends of the world. 

As you can see, God is moving mightily at Bridges of Hope Fellowship.  We are pressing forward in faith and believing God to move even greater in the days and months to come.  We are believing God for over 100 salvations by the end of 2011, and two thirds of those being baptized.

In order for us to reach our goal for this year, we need you and others like you to partner with us in this ministry of church planting.  There are lots of ways that you could partner with us.  Below is just a few.

·         PRAY.  We always need people to stand in prayer with us as we seek to win the lost at any cost.

·         GIVE.  Consider giving a one-time gift or a monthly partnership gift to help us make an impact in McMinnville and around the world.

·         GO.  Bring a group to serve with us in community outreach through servant evangelism, putting out door-hangers, event evangelism, feeding project, etc

Many have also asked for me to share the current needs of our church for you to help pray about and ask God to meet them.

·         BAPTISTRY  -  We had to return the baptistry that we have borrowed for over a year.  Now, we need one.  We are needing a baptistry that doubles as a communion table and it has an inline heater system.  It’s portable and costs $2800.  Not having one for us is like having a car with no tires.  We really need this!

·         NKJV Bibles  -  We need 25 New King James Version Bibles for our student ministry.  Preferably the hard back type of pew Bible.

·         CD/DVD Duplicator  -  We put out over 50 Cds & DVDs every week of our services and are currently burning them one at a time on a laptop, which is very time consuming.

·         REFRIGERATOR/FREEZER  -  We’re needing a good refrigerator with a freezer to keep drinks, food, etc. cool for the nursery, youth, etc.

·         LAPTOP  -  We are in need of a good laptop to use in the sound booth for our service PowerPoint/videos/ect. 

Also, I will be in the East Tennessee area (Morristown/Knoxville areas) on the weekend of July 9th & 10th and August 14th.  I will be available for preaching during any of these weekends.  If you’d be open to me worshipping with you and preaching for you, please feel free to call me at 931-815-8870 or email me at

Thank you for all of your prayer and financial support to help us impact a world through planting new churches!  May God bless you as you have blessed us.

Building Bridges of Hope,

DeWayne Howard, Pastor
Bridges of Hope Fellowship
4023 Smithville Hwy.
McMinnville, TN 37110

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Attack

Today has been an odd day.  I woke up extremely tired and exhausted.  However, I pushed myself to make visits and then head to the office to work.

This afternoon, my blood pressure increased greatly.  It left me feeling dizzy, confused, vision blurred, and a bad headache.  I did good to make it home for dinner.  I knew that it was getting time for prayer meeting at Bridges of Hope Fellowship and I really didn't even want to go.  I went anyway, even though I had no intentions on staying for the service.

When the service began, I sat on a stool and laid my Bible on a music stand beside me.  I felt horrible and couldn't get my words to come out right.  I wanted to just leave.  That's when one of our men, Tim Mears, spoke up and stated that they needed to pray over me first before we started.  So, everyone gathered around me at the altar and anointed me with oil.  Afterwards, I sat back down on the stool and noticed that my strength was increasing rapidly and I immediately began to feel much better.

The service continued with me reading Philipians 4 and leading the people to think on praise worthy things in our lives.  We shared lots of praise reports and the fact that there have been 60 professions of faith since January 1st of this year.  It was truly a celebration!  Afterwards, we began different seasons of prayer led by different lay people in the church.  After a moment of silence, the Holy Spirit instructed me to begin praying for and asking God for the nations, so I did.

As I began praying for the nations, I begin to speak to the strong man and the strongholds to be broken and come down when, immediately, it was as if someone grabbed me by the throat and cut my prayer off.  I couldn't speak at all.  I knew immediately that I was under a strong demonic attack.  I then felt pain all over my upper body and knew that I had to get to my Bible and I laid my hand upon it.  Natalie, Dewayne Summers, and David Clayton rushed to my aid and immediately began praying over me and for me.  Others in our body said they literally saw a handlike figure around my throat and said that my face was blood red and that I was struggling.  Finally, I was able to break through the attack and pull down those strongholds and cast out the powers of darkness.  Following the breakthrough, came a holy boldness to speak the Word to our people.  Then, to close out the service, we all gathered in a circle, held hands, and we all prayed together in one accord.  It was both, beautiful and powerful.  The Holy Spirit of God fell upon us during that prayertime in a most powerful way.  Praise God!

Church, get ready for God to do some amazing things in our midst as we're about to see the Spirit of God move like we've never experienced Him before.  God has BIG plans for Bridges of Hope Fellowship and the people of Warren County.  It's time to rejoice and blow the trumpets as we march into the thick of battle!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Rev. David Wilkerson's last blog post

by David Wilkerson April 27, 2011

To believe when all means fail is exceedingly pleasing to God and is most acceptable. Jesus said to Thomas, "You have believed because you have seen, but blessed are those that do believe and have not seen" (John 20:29).

Blessed are those who believe when there is no evidence of an answer to prayer-who trust beyond hope when all means have failed.

Someone has come to the place of hopelessness-the end of hope-the end of all means. A loved one is facing death and doctors give no hope. Death seems inevitable. Hope is gone. The miracle prayed for is not happening.

That is when Satan's hordes come to attack your mind with fear, anger, overwhelming questions: "Where is your God now? You prayed until you had no tears left. You fasted. You stood on promises. You trusted."

Blasphemous thoughts will be injected into your mind: "Prayer failed. Faith failed. Don't quit on God-just do not trust him anymore. It doesn't pay!"

Even questioning God's existence will be injected into your mind. These have been the devices of Satan for centuries. Some of the godliest men and women who ever lived were under such demonic attacks.

To those going through the valley and shadow of death, hear this word: Weeping will last through some dark, awful nights-and in that darkness you will soon hear the Father whisper, "I am with you. I cannot tell you why right now, but one day it will all make sense. You will see it was all part of my plan. It was no accident. It was no failure on your part. Hold fast. Let me embrace you in your hour of pain."

Beloved, God has never failed to act but in goodness and love. When all means fail-his love prevails. Hold fast to your faith. Stand fast in his Word. There is no other hope in this world.

(This was David Wilkerson's last blog entry before he passed into eternity - Thank you, David...)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

12 Ways to Make Sure Your Easter Guests Don't Come Back

12 Ways to Make Sure Your Easter Guests Don't Come Back

This Sunday is Easter and when you look around your church you’re going to get that uncomfortable feeling that comes from being around all kinds of people you haven’t seen in a while or perhaps never before. You know, the slackers who only show up at church twice a year, the backsliders who haven’t been to church in 5 years, and the heathens who wouldn’t know the Pentateuch from a pentagram.

They’re going to take your favorite pew, sit and stand at the wrong times during the service, and double your wait in the coffee line after the service. You don’t want to have to put up with those distractions and inconveniences week in and week out, so here are 12 ways to ensure those people don’t come back the week after Easter.

1. Keep to yourself. Avoid eye contact. And by all means don’t welcome anyone you don’t know.

2. Walk up to someone you haven’t seen for a while and say, “Hey, hey… Look who it is… You don’t think just showing up for Easter is going to get you out of the Big Guy’s doghouse, do you?”

3. Make sure all the greeters, ushers, singers, speakers, and everyone involved in leading the service are all of the same ethnic background so that if anyone of a different ethnicity shows up they know they are considered second-class citizens.

4. Take down all your signs so only the regulars know if a door leads to the pastor’s office, the ladies room, or a broom closet.

5. During the service have the pastor pray, “Lord, please forgive all those sinners who have failed to remember the Sabbath to keep it holy.”

6. Invite the worst singer in the choir to do a solo.

7. Find a way to tie the Easter message into a soliloquy on the Iraq War and make it clear that everyone who disagrees with the pastor’s position is on the devil’s side.

8. During the service ask all the visitors to stand and then introduce themselves to the entire congregation.

9. Announce that next week the pastor will begin a 12-week series on hell.

10. Put a sign up in the children’s ministry area that indicates you have a “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy when it comes to volunteers with criminal records.

11. Just assume that everyone understands what communion is all about. Then when people start coming forward to receive communion have the ushers quietly walk up to the “really big sinners” and ask them to return to their seats.

12. Announce that visitors must fill out a form with their contact information and should expect an elder-evangelist tag team waiting in their driveway when they get home.

Of course, if you actually care about guests and irregular church attenders because you believe they matter to God, you might consider doing just the opposite.

(Shared from a blog post from Paul Steinbrueck.)

BIG questions, REAL answers

Starts this Sunday at 8:30 & 10:30 a.m. at Bridges of Hope Fellowship!

Have you ever had questions that you wish you could ask, but were afraid to? Well, at Bridges of Hope Fellowship, our people have been submitting questions to me that they would like for to answer in a sermon on Sundays. So, I've chosen six questions out of many that have been submitted to answer in a new series, "BIG questions, REAL answers" over the next six weeks. I'll be starting this special series on EASTER Sunday (This Sunday) at Bridges of Hope.

Here's the questions we'll be answering:

April 24th - Why Would a Good God Send Anyone to Hell?

May 1st - Does God Approve of Alternative Lifestyles?

May 8th - Can I Be a Christian and Still...?

May 15th - Self Centered vs. Christ Centered? (By Elder David Cook)

May 22nd - Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?

May 29th - Why Is Jesus Christ the Only Way to God?

This is a series that you don't want to miss! So, share this blog post with your friends and invite them to hear the answers to some of the most asked questions by people today. Who knows? It just might be that God would speak to us through these times together.

Please be much in pray for us this Easter Sunday at Bridges of Hope Fellowship. We are believing God to use US to reach an attendance goal of 115 people! I have challenged each family to bring at least 1 person/family with them that doesn't goto church anywhere. What an exciting time it would be to reach our goal and see some lives changed in the process. After all, we are all about bring HOPE to the people of Warren County and around the world. Join me and let's make it happen for the glory of God! See you there!

New Service Added: 8:30 a.m. (No van service or Hope Kids during this service)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

6 Reasons Not to Reach the Lost

Reaching those far from Christ requires an attitude and a commitment. And it will cost you. Here’s six reasons not to pay the price:

1. You don’t want to experience miracles- God has surprised me over and over again at what He is doing in peoples lives. From home wreckers to homosexuals, from atheists to alcoholics, it has been more than I had ever hoped to observe. When we made it about loving people where they are and letting God change them in His time to where He wants them to be we began to see some serious miracles.

2. You like having lots of Pharisees around- Religious people have no tolerance for these environments and will naturally gravitate to churches where people talk about reaching the lost but never take big risks to do it. When there isn’t a large enough vision to capture the hearts of the people usually DI-VISION will be the result.

3. You enjoy preaching to theologians- I love theology but soon realized my style of communication had to shift a bit to create the opportunity for those far from God to connect with Him in a significant way. It has been well said that communicators take the complex and make it simple, while educators take the simple and make it complex.

4. You are convinced they will eventually filter in over time- It’s simple. They won’t.

5. You don’t ever want to be challenged personally to change- This is my eighteenth year of ministry and I’ve never been challenged like I am right now. God has dealt with me about things that I never could have imagined and it feels good. It feels right. I want Him to do in me what’s right to Him not what’s comfortable to me.

6. You believe the Great Commission was the great suggestion- This isn’t about style or flavor or how you dress. It’s about letting the things that break His heart break ours. It really is an attitude that believes people without Him will be lost forever. This stirs my spirit and I pray it stirs yours as well.

This guest post is from JMark Johns, the founding pastor of Christ Central Alachua.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Today is day 3 of the 21 Days of Prayer & Fasting at Bridges of Hope Fellowship. This will end the regular fast of only water and juices. Tomorrow will begin the Daniel portion of the fast. Already, we are seeing God do great things in the lives of people at BOHF. It's not too late to join us, if you haven't already. Just jump in and start where we are!

When we give, pray, and fast (Matthew 6), we are creating a 3 fold cord that is not easily broken, according to Ecclesiastes. So, when we are doing these 3 things, we are releasing the 30, 60, and 100 fold blessings into our lives.

During this time, we are to be reading the Word, praying, fasting, and meditating. However, I've found that lot's of people don't really know how to properly meditate on the Word. So, I've decided to share some practical advice on meditating on Scripture.

How To Meditate On God's Word
The "2proapt" Method

PRAY - Ask God to speak to you.

PREVIEW - Read through the passage quickly for an overview.

READ - Read the passage a second time slowly and contemplatively.

OBSERVE - Go back and underline key words, circle words/phrases that are repeated, highlight the most meaningful verse to you from the passage.

APPLY - Choose one specific way to put into practice the truth you have discovered from the passage.

PRAY - Ask God for power and wisdom to follow through with your application that you've decided upon.

TELL - Share with at least one person what new insight, truth, or application you have made in response to God's Word to you.

I hope this is helpful for you in receiving a fresh word from God each time you read His Word and meditate on the scriptures. May God's Truths come alive in your daily walk with Him!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Fasting Quick Tips

Today is day 2 of the 21 Days of Prayer & Fasting at Bridges of Hope Fellowship. Since the BIG snow last night, I've just spent the day with my family, read the Word, prayed, and drank lots of water and fruit juice.

I thought I'd take a few minutes tonight to give you a few Fasting Quick Tips that might be of some help to you during this 21 days. Some of these tips won't apply to those of you who are already in the fast, but most will.

How to Begin
Start with a clear goal. Be specific. Why are you fasting? Do you need direction, healing, restoration of marriage or family issues? Are you facing financial difficulties? Ask the Holy Spirit for guidance. Pray daily and read the Bible.

Preparing Spiritually
Confess your sins to God. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal areas of weakness. Forgive all who have offended you and ask forgiveness from those you may have offended (Mark 11:25; Luke 11:4, 17:3-4). Surrender your life fully to Jesus Christ and reject the worldly desires that try to hinder you (Romans 12:1-2).

Deciding What to Fast
The type of fasting you choose is up to you. You could go on a full fast in which you only drink liquids, or you may desire to fast like Daniel, who abstained from sweets and meats, and the only liquid he drank was water. Remember to replace that time with prayer and Bible study.

Deciding How Long
You may fast as long as you like. Most can easily fast from one to three days, but you may feel the grace to go longer, even as much as 21 to 40 days. Use wisdom and pray for guidance. Beginners are advised to start slow.

What to Expect
When you fast your body detoxifies, eliminating toxins from your system. This can cause mild discomfort such as headaches and irritability during withdrawal from caffeine and sugars. And naturally, you will have hunger pains. Limit your activity and exercise moderately. Take time to rest. Fasting brings about miraculous results. You are following Jesus' example when you fast. Spend time listening to praise and worship. Pray as often as you can throughout the day. Get away from the normal distractions as much as possible and keep your heart and mind set on seeking God's face.

How to End
Don't overeat when the time comes to end your fast. Begin eating solid food gradually; eat small portions or snacks.

These tips are simply things I've learned over the years in my own fasts. I hope they can be of some help to you, both now and in your future fasts.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Join the Fasting Movement!

Dear Friend,
I am asking you to join me in a 21-day fast to seek and honor God in 2011. "I beseech you therefore; brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service" (Romans 12:1). By participating in a corporate fast, we have found that God meets with us in very unique and special ways. His presence grows greater and greater with each day of the fast. Without fail, He always shows up!
Fasting is a principle that God intended for everyone to be able to enjoy. It's not a punishment; it's a privilege! By making fasting a way of life, you can get closer to God and grow in your spiritual walk like never before. Fasting is one of the most powerful weapons God has given us for our daily lives. Through fasting, you can experience a release from the bondage of sin ... restoration in your relationships ... financial blessings ... spiritual renewal ... supernatural healing and so much more!

Another reward of fasting has to do with your future. God has given you a vision, a divine dream for your life. When you fast, you open up the blessings and opportunities He has provided for you to pursue that dream. As you fast, pray for God's direction and guidance. Focus your faith on your dream and God will show you how you can turn your vision into a reality. Begin pursuing your divine dream today and make the rewards of fasting part of your lifestyle.

I want to encourage you to target your prayers during the fast. Two specific areas we will be focusing on together are increase, both physical and spiritual. When praying for increase, we are believing God for increase in spiritual maturity for our members, salvation for the lost, new families, increase in finances, wisdom, influence, and resources. Also, we ask that each individual seek God in prayer about one thing in your personal life to believe God for.

A great promise, from the book of Isaiah, proclaims that the chosen fast will "undo the heavy burdens and let the oppressed go free." We are living in tough economic times and I know that so many people are under a financial burden. As we come together to fast and pray, I am believing that your burdens will be lifted and that financial blessings will be released into your life!

I'm so excited that you have decided to take the next step in your spiritual walk through the life-changing principal of fasting. Seek the Lord in prayer and let your decisions about your fast come from Him. Ask the Lord to show you areas to target during your time of fasting and prayer. Start with a clear goal and make a commitment to stick to your fast. Be ready to grow in your walk like never before as you seek the Lord through the Biblical principles of prayer and fasting. Remember, "He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him!" (Hebrews 11:6)

Building bridges of HOPE,
Pastor D

Special Note:
I recommend that you always consult your physician prior to beginning any type of fast. If you are poor in health or have concerns about your physical ability to fast, we especially urge you to consult a physician before beginning your fast. There are different types of fasts recommended at Your doctor can provide advice on how you can participate on this First Fruits Fast in a way that is healthy for you.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Preparation is half the battle

Anytime you set out to do something of great significance, there has to be a time of preparation.

January 2011 holds several majors in my life and the lives of the people at Bridges of Hope Fellowship. Each January, we embark on a 21 Day Prayer & Fasting journey to draw closer to God and to experience the miracles of God in our lives. And each year, it's proved successful! However, it's really difficult if you don't prepare ahead of time. This year's journey begins this Sunday, January 9th. You can find resources that we and other churches are using at The neat thing is that churches all around the world are participating in this fast at the same time we are. So, we are not alone.

Some things that Natalie and I are doing to prepare.
  1. Drink LOTS of water. Now, you may be like me and hate water. Try a little lemon juice in your water to keep it from tasting so bland. You'll get used to it. After all, if it was easy, everybody would be doing it. So, how much? Take your body's weight and divide that by 2. This will give you the total ounces of water you should be drinking each day. When you start the fast, you might add an additional 16 oz. for each meal missed. When you get to the Daniel portion of the fast, try to drink 16 oz. of water about 30 minutes before your meal and only drink 4-8 ozs. of water with your meal. Stay away from sodas and sugar loaded drinks.
  2. Cut down your portions. When you eat, eat off of a saucer instead of a regular size plate. This will help you to eat only half of what you normally eat. It will begin preparing your body for the limiting and exclusion of food that is to come during the fast. When eating bread, eat a half of a roll or piece of bread instead of a full piece. Then pick off tiny bites instead of eating straight from the piece of bread. You'll find that you will eat less of it. We are taught to clean our plates in the good ole USA. However, you should eat slowly and in small bites so that you only eat until you get full, not to clean your plate.
  3. Eat Dark Fruits. Keep in mind that the lighter fruits (i.e. bananas) are loaded with natural sugars. Try eating more of the dark fruits like blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, etc. This helps your body to not have to work so hard to break down all of those sugars in the fruit.
  4. Have Quite Time. Even before the fast begins, it is good to start spending a few minutes of prayer, Bible reading, and meditation before or after each meal. This will help to get you in the habit of doing it NOW and it won't be so new to you when you begin the fast on Sunday.
  5. Limit Entertainment. Start now to limit your entertainment, such as TV, internet, etc. Begin spending that time in prayer, reading, and meditation. It helps to gradually slow down from these things so that you don't have so much junk serving as a distraction from what the father wants to do in your life.

This is certainly not an exhaustive list, but it is a starting place. Try some of these tips and see if they help you to get a jumpstart on your fast. Remember, fasting & praying is NOT easy. If it was, more people would be doing it. It is literally denying the flesh of it's desires and pleasures so that the spirit man can be awakened to full capacity.

Also, on January 9th, we begin our r12 journey. Each Sunday for 6 weeks, I'll be preaching through Romans 12 to help us discover what true spirituality looks like. What's a Christian really supposed to look like? We'll discover that together. So, don't miss any of the services. If you have to miss for sickness, work, etc., please watch it LIVE online or get the CD or DVD of the service.

Then each Sunday night, you really NEED to be in a Life Group to get the full effects of this r12 journey. There are 4 Life Groups and you should sign up ASAP at the bulletin board in the hallway of the church. It starts at 6 p.m. each Sunday night. Get your whole family involved!

So, needless to say, you know where my mind is at for at least the next 6-7 weeks. LOL!!!

Join us in the 21 Days of Prayer & Fasting, as well as the r12 journey and watch God do miracles in your life!