All week long, we have been telling people about BIG Sunday that took place today. We encouraged people to invite their friends, family, and co-workers. Today was the day of all days. We arrived to a full house this morning for an awesome time of celebration for the goodness of the Lord. Following the opening song, the following video played that told everyone that we did get our loan approval for the next step of our new building project and that we have secured the 60 member mission team from Georgia to build our new facility in just 10 days, starting on June 11, 2010. Also, that we have an HVAC Company that wants to donate the materials and labor to install our system for the new building. Watch the video...
Afterwards, I shared that we had received confirmation that Falcon Audio/Video/Lights of Oklahoma has contacted us and wants to donate our high end speakers for our sacturary at the new building. Also, that we are going to be placing a 24 x 60 portable office unit behind the new building to accommodate the Children's Worship Center and the Youth Worship Center. We have secured a mission team from Pine Grove Baptist Church in South Carolina to come in July to do the remaining finishing touches on the building, etc. The site work will be done my April and we'll be ready to pour the concrete pad to start the building. For regular updates on the building, visit
The crowd broke out in applause and shouting of praise for all that God has done for us this week. It was truly a time of great excitement!
I preached today on the "Cornerstones for Fasting" in preparation for the 21 Day Fast that our church will be going through beginning on Sunday, March 14, 2010. If you missed it, check it out online at
During the invitation, we had several to recommit their lives to Christ and then Tim Owen surrendered to the call of God on his life to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. Praise His name!
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