Facebook Home: "Pastors don't owe everyone in their church a close relationship. they owe them a close relationship with God and their family." Mark Batterson
Wow! A great statement. Its is impossible for the pastor to have a very close relationship with everyone in the church, especially as the church grows larger and larger. We can only teach them how to have a close relationship with God and their family.
However, why is it that church members think they have to have a huge chunk of their pastor's time? I think this comes out of selfishness. And selfishness creates disunity and quarrels among the body of Christ. We should avoid this type of attitude and behavior at all cost.
Be sure to join us this weekend as I'll be talking about selfishness and how it stinks in our relationships and in the church. Don't miss the awesome videos that I chosen to help us illustrate this topic. They are so funny! Hope to see you there at 11 a.m. at Bridges of Hope Fellowship. www.gethope.info
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