Like many, I have always said, "Lord, send me anywhere but Africa," until several years ago when I was attending the Tennessee Baptist Convention and kept running into Missionary Mike McAfee from Abidjan, West Africa. Immediately, I sensed the Lord saying that this is where I was to go. At first, I rejected it and didn't want to follow through. For several weeks, I continued to sense the nudging of the Holy Spirit to seek out the opportunity to travel to the Ivory Coast to take HOPE to a people in need of Jesus.

I remember the first conversation that I had with Missionary Mike. It was like a breathe of fresh air and a peace flooded my spirit. From that moment forward, my first trip was in place and the days were counting down. I still remember the moment that I boarded that plane heading to Abidjan and the feeling of excitement that gripped me as I knew God was carrying me every step of the way.
Abidjan is an urban city in West Africa of some 8 million people. Many live in the city and many live outside of the city in poverty ridden villages. My team experienced first hand the hunger and thirst for HOPE among the people and we were blessed to be able to share with them the story of creation to Christ.

Honestly, even after returning home and to this very day, I cannot for the life of me get the images of those people out of my head and off of my heart. I love the people of Abidjan dearly and cannot wait to return again to share the HOPE of Jesus Christ and plant new churches to reach their own people.

I am scheduled to take a team of 4-5 people from Impact Church this October 20-29th to once again impact this area with the gospel of Jesus Christ. On this team is an elder from Bridges of Hope Fellowship in McMinnville, TN (my former church plant), a young lady who is in our student ministry at Impact, her brother, and myself. There may be the possibility of another lady in our church going as well. Me and the elder from BOHF have both been before, but the other two will be making this journey as their FIRST mission trip ever. That's exciting!
I am asking all of my friends to pray about helping us get to Africa this fall.
We are currently in need of $5,000 to purchase the plane tickets in order to secure a good rate. I understand that many cannot go on foreign missions, but could give to help see that others get there and that the gospel gets shared.
There are several ways that you can give to help support this mission trip.
1) Pray for us and God's provisions
2) Give online at https://impactchurchtn.securegive.com and mark "AFRICA" in the memo box.
3) Mail your contribution to: Impact Church, P.O. Box 1057, Kingston, TN 37763
Any amount you can give to help us get to Africa will be greatly helpful as God will multiply your gifts. All gifts are totally tax deductible as allowed by the IRS.
Thanks in advance for giving to make an IMPACT in the lives of the people of Abidjan, West Africa! When we get to heaven, many of them will await you to thank you there. May God bless you as you give of yourself so that many could be won to the kingdom!
If you need more information or would like to talk with me more about this trip, please call 865-376-4400 or email pastor@impactchurchtn.com
Pastor DeWayne
Impact Church
Kingston, TN