I am so excited to write to you and update you as to the great move of God that we are seeing take place at Bridges of Hope Fellowship! Please allow me to bring you up to date as a church plant.
Since January 1st of this year, we have been blessed to see over 60 professions of faith for our Lord Jesus Christ. Praise God! We have been able to baptize just over half of those already, with more on the way. If the weather holds out, I’ll be baptizing 10 in the creek this Wednesday night. Since Easter, we started an 8:30 a.m. service on Sundays and it’s growing. During this time, we’ve seen our attendance rise to just over 100, most weeks. We are experiencing more and more people stepping up to serve in ministry roles, as well as leadership roles. Our children’s and youth ministries are growing rapidly and reaching lots of fatherless children. We’ve had lots of singles come into the church and find their mates, therefore, preparing us for lots of weddings this Summer and Fall. We are very engaged in missions through our Acts 1:8 Global Plan of Serving strategy that helps us to take the gospel to the ends of the world.
As you can see, God is moving mightily at Bridges of Hope Fellowship. We are pressing forward in faith and believing God to move even greater in the days and months to come. We are believing God for over 100 salvations by the end of 2011, and two thirds of those being baptized.
In order for us to reach our goal for this year, we need you and others like you to partner with us in this ministry of church planting. There are lots of ways that you could partner with us. Below is just a few.
· PRAY. We always need people to stand in prayer with us as we seek to win the lost at any cost.
· GIVE. Consider giving a one-time gift or a monthly partnership gift to help us make an impact in McMinnville and around the world.
· GO. Bring a group to serve with us in community outreach through servant evangelism, putting out door-hangers, event evangelism, feeding project, etc
Many have also asked for me to share the current needs of our church for you to help pray about and ask God to meet them.
· BAPTISTRY - We had to return the baptistry that we have borrowed for over a year. Now, we need one. We are needing a baptistry that doubles as a communion table and it has an inline heater system. It’s portable and costs $2800. Not having one for us is like having a car with no tires. We really need this!
· NKJV Bibles - We need 25 New King James Version Bibles for our student ministry. Preferably the hard back type of pew Bible.
· CD/DVD Duplicator - We put out over 50 Cds & DVDs every week of our services and are currently burning them one at a time on a laptop, which is very time consuming.
· REFRIGERATOR/FREEZER - We’re needing a good refrigerator with a freezer to keep drinks, food, etc. cool for the nursery, youth, etc.
· LAPTOP - We are in need of a good laptop to use in the sound booth for our service PowerPoint/videos/ect.
Also, I will be in the East Tennessee area (Morristown/Knoxville areas) on the weekend of July 9th & 10th and August 14th. I will be available for preaching during any of these weekends. If you’d be open to me worshipping with you and preaching for you, please feel free to call me at 931-815-8870 or email me at pastor@gethope.info.
Thank you for all of your prayer and financial support to help us impact a world through planting new churches! May God bless you as you have blessed us.
Thank you for all of your prayer and financial support to help us impact a world through planting new churches! May God bless you as you have blessed us.
Building Bridges of Hope,
Bridges of Hope Fellowship
4023 Smithville Hwy.
McMinnville, TN 37110